Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hickory Dickory Dock

This ryhme's worth my old sock! The mouse ran up and now forgot, what it's like to die of shock.

Unlike my other posts, where I'm either constantly bitching or snitching, whining or just plain shining (lol wut?!?!?!), this post unfortunately has no purpose. I mean, if it was a living being I'd totally hate this post for the mere fact that it's so damn imbecile! It's useless and full of shit. It's so much like someone I know, it makes me wonder if really, posts and people could be twins, or what?

You see, posts like these are usually results of boredom, nothing-to-to-ness, and more boredom. What I fail to understand though, is the reason that's compelling me to write! To get this straight, I'm a) Not bored b) Definitely NOT jobless and c) Not a fan of useless posts. Actually, scratch that c. I am beginning to like the idea already!!

Now last night, I was aimlessly flooding random facebook profiles with my full-of-shite comments. Royal rapage, if I may. Oh and yeah (not relevant, don't get too excited YET folks!), I found this mysterious looking green gel in my drawer yesterday and for some reason it just doesn't look right to me. It's the kinda green that appears when something WASN'T originally green, you get what I mean? The kinda moldy, pasty, dull green. Ugh. FML

So I was watching St. Trinian's (dontask) and those ladies got some issues man! Like, one second they're hanging little girls off a flight of stairs, the next moment they're screwing royalty, and before you thought it couldn't get any worse, they're winning the bloody damn school challenge with the brains of an amoeba!!!!! Seriously, just WHERE did good ol' film making go?

I've been listening to Rihanna. Rihanna who? The same black haired blonde who got beaten up by a kid and then collapsed and then, wait for it, got BACK with him! Yes, I sold out. I've been listening to her croon. Not so bad, say I. But still, Reha(b)na!!

There's these odd looking kids staring at me like I killed the preseident, as I type this post. For why (omg so abhi!!), I wonder. Maybe it's because I get this weird fish face when I'm typing. Come on, admit it! Atleast 3 out of the 10 people who'll read this get that strange fish face or whatever you'd like to call it face while typing. It's a human thing. Can't touch this.

I'm through to the eighth paragraph and I'm still not making complete sense. All this when I haven't been under the "influence" of any drug or hmmm what's that..substance. Or alcohol. Or anything. No...nothing. I'm just writing. Typing? Yeah, that. It's like I'm mapping this portion of my head that ocassionally spills out some garb and all I gotta do is type till my fingers stage a protest. Maybe someday, like in another 100 years or so, man (or whoever it is that will roam on the surface of the earth)will be able to rightly decipher what it is that causes people to act like they're not thinking at all when actually they're thinking harder than they should be thinking, thinking people won't think that they're actually thinking thinking that the people who don't think actually think more than you think. OH HELL YEAH!!!!!

I are genie-ass.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

What Clem and I have in common.

So there's Clementine, this mood swing-y, hair color changing, random and impulsive female lead from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (ESSM). And then there's Melissa; spontaneous, stupid, careless, silly and talkative. But this is where the differences end and the similarities begin.

I've watched ESSM too many times to tell people around me "OMG she's so ME!!". I have way too many proofs and just..wayyy too many things in common man! Funny thing though, is that when it comes to ACTUALLY pinning them down, I'm at a loss for words.

I'll tell you a few things though. Note that this paragraph comes almost an hour after the preceeding one. Blogs can't tell how much time one spends on them, so my humble fingers do the job. So Clementine erases her memory. Why? Because she thinks he's boring (cue in "aww" for Joel). I can't possibly erase my memory, Lacuna'll cost me a bomb. So what do I do? I deliberately erase him outta my head. It's not as easy as it sounds, and for the time keepers; it took me almost 2 months to do the needful. It's the un-doable. It's tough and it's a bitch of a job. But then, she did it. I was jealous of her. I wanted to be her. I wanted to change memories like she changed hair color. I want to be able to look him in the eye and pretend I never knew him. I'm so effing jealous of her. I want to be Clementine.

Clementine and I suffered from a Mariana trench level of inferiority complex. What I mean is, well we didn't think too high of ourselves as little girls. Remember the "be pretty" doll? Mmm and the impression we both leave on men in general. Same to same. Ditto. Why must she exist in just a movie? I want her to be real. I want her to be my best friend. My twin. Scratch that, I want her to be me. I Want me to be her.

So then there's the obvious bunch of neo-lovers. They want to tell me to keep the memories. Memories are good, they say. Any memory is a good memory. Oh well, WTF right? A bad memory is a bad memory just as a bad apple is a bad apple. Nothing can reverse that. If I'm going to have to live with it, screw it I'd rather just go brain dead.

Oh, and I love oranges. Tangerines. Mmm..get?

To quote her,

"Too many guys think I'm a concept, or I complete them, or I'm gonna make them alive. But I'm just a fucked-up girl who's lookin' for my own peace of mind; don't assign me yours".

I'm single. And it's pretty here.

If this is how you're going to end it. I'm fine with it

It's the worst ending to any relationship.

But whatever, it must be done.

I'm so not worthy of your time and intellect. I'm sorry if I've wasted time trying to reconcile and I'm sorry that I was blonde and failed to see that you really wernt interested at all.

and I'm venting now, because WTF..we wont be talking much anyway.

Let me tell you once and for all, I loved you I love you and I'm going to love you but I cant be your kinda girl. Ever.

I cant be blonde and stupid and girly and all those things. I'm fcked up. I'm harsh. I'm cold and seriously, I dont even care.

I hate that blonde bitch and I hope she dies and I seriously dont give a damn . I just hope you never make the mistake of falling for her. You think im a jerk? That's fine with me, we're not talking so I dont see why I should be bothered.

and you can hate me all you want, but I only pray that you're able to be the man you've always wanted to be.

and I hope you find yourself a nice woman who deserves your time and attention..whatever little you can give.

and meh, I'm so done with this. I already forgot how I used to feel about you.

I've hurt you too much, I have no right to.

I feel horrible, I'm hurting myself.

I'm fucked up. And I love you. I hate it, but I love you. It's fucked up. End.

"Blessed are the forgetful,
for they get the better even of their blunders."