Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Oh well, i'm back.
Not that i went anywhere..or decided to hermit-ify myself, but you know how it is. Had a blog runing for almost 2 years when suddenly one day, i thought of taking a little break...and HOW! i delete my account from blogspot, get back to reading books and trying to figure out what's happening within the pink walls of my classroom( serious!) and after a few months i forget to get another account. yes, you're wondering why i'd do something as stupid as that, as a matter of fact, i'm thinking pretty much in the same line *hi fi*
so yeah, blogs gone. And then happens the mother of all screw-ups. format my pc and whoosh..everyting's gone! like it never existed. And they say the computer is safe? and that it is more reliable than the brain? i think NOT!
so i shall get back to my not-so-regular but worthy updates soon enough, get my blogs rolling and await comments from my fellow-bloggers.
till then...=)