Saturday, October 13, 2007

Another crapper...

The Eid break's going good for me..till now atleast. I've been shopping till i drop (literally...i tripped over an out-of-place-brick :$)
Driving to the mall and back gives me a diferent kind of high altogether. No more do i have to be on the mercy of others, wait for Mom to get back from work, or for Dad to get into the "right mood". I can drive...WHENEVER i wanna! *bounces up and down*

SO yeah...I'm satisfied, I've shopped, and now i'm gonna go have dinner. Does life get any more perfect than this? It's like i'm living in a castle made of glass..i can see everyting around me, but no one dare come any closer!

Well, back to assignments now :S *shattering glass noise*


theplasticpoet said...

sorry. no.

that's a personal blog, there is no fancy writing there. just thoughts about myself that i'd like to keep organized somewhere.

the readership is limited to handful of close friends.


you have a nice blog here too :)

Nioniel said...

Oh that's perfectly alright!
I'm sucha fan of Dubai Funnies!
Good job there..for the "masses" i mean :P

theplasticpoet said...

yeah, you can post any of them on your blogroll as long as they aren't invite only

expect more funny material soon. :D

ViNi said...

Eid Mubarak!..:-)